We all agree it was a challenging year due to the global pandemic. But I truly like to see the positive side of things and I have 4 moments that changed my year and want to share these life lessons with you.

I’ll describe my year in different moments or actually, 4 life lessons:


In fact, I’ve also made a video for my YouTube channel in case you’re more into watching than reading.


I’ve been asking myself for a very long time: What do I need to change to achieve my goals in life? Who do I want to be? This is not about changing myself but becoming myself. Discovering my true self. This is who I want to be.

If you asked me perhaps few years ago why I was not living the life I wanted. My answer was going to be: I have no time, I’m too busy. I have no energy after such a long day, I just want to watch some TV and relax. Oh no, that’s too expensive, I cannot afford it. I don’t have that computer. I don’t have that camera. Oh, people are terrible. I’m not good at this. They don’t understand. You see it? This was my book of excuses to justify my lack of action.

I started to think that we fail not just because we don’t have the resources. It’s the opposite. We already have everything we need, it’s just that we don’t want to see it. It’s much easier to blame the planet instead of fixing our inner planet. And this is our emotions. This is the only resource that we need. What do I mean by this? I’m talking about creativity, commitment, confidence, certainty, determination, discipline, flexibility, gratitude and vision just to name a few of these infinite resources.


In physics this is the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. In simple terms, it’s mass in motion. This is the same in humans. There are 4 simple steps I found useful to tap into the power of momentum.

Step 1: Move! I get some exercise, go for a walk, jump, make a move, it doesn’t matter what. I just need tell my body I’m about to change.

Step 2: Clarity! What is it that I love, what do I hate? What do I want to do? Why drives me in life?

Step 3: Take action NOW! I understand making a proper plan it takes time but sometimes we don’t have to. However, all we need is to do something immediately so we don’t allow procrastination to happen.

Step 4: Self-Reflection! Is this actually working for me? If not why? Do I enjoy this process? Am I failing? It’s OK to fail as this really means I’m getting closer to succeed.


There are 2 moments in my 2020 that I think they’re useful to explain this concept:

  1. The 2-millimetre rule. I first came across this concept in one seminar I attended from Tony Robbins. He mentioned that the smallest changes can yield the biggest results. He talked about golf. How a small shift in our positioning can have a completely different outcome in our success.
  2. The power of incremental changes. I learnt this when I was reading Atomic Habits from James Clear. He talked about small tiny habits, just like atoms, they are small but they have the ability to be extremely powerful when they are repeated hundreds or even thousands of times.


This is all about health. The industry of health and wellness is now worth more than $4 trillion dollars. Yet, we struggle with being overweight, diabetes, there’s a pill available for every health issue, we face mental health challenges and the truth is that the solution is not about buying a gym membership, going on a crazy diet, buy the life-changing book with the latest research or buy the latest drug to enhance our performance.

This is really about understanding the foundations of what creates health and energy.

This is why I forced myself to meditate every single day, going back to some healthy food, reducing my sugar intake, doing daily workouts, starting courses about self-development to understand more about health and energy.

Final Thoughts

These 4 things are the life lessons of my 2020 were my drivers to be more positive, optimistic and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

And to answer the initial question about discovering my true self, I feel like I’m sharing this with you to discover my true self and document the journey.

What were your 2020 life lessons?