Most people will tell you that the traditional places to go are the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and London Bridge to name a few. However, there’s much more to see in London rather those perfect postcard images. Welcome To East London.
If you visit countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay in South America as I did, you’ll be unable to avoid this drink. In this post I’m not just going to tell you what this is and the benefits but I’ll also show you all the tricks I learned growing up in Argentina.
In May 2013 while planning my trip to China and Japan after having thought about it for a while, I decided to stop using Facebook forever. So I’m going to share why I did that in first place, what happened right after that and how I feel now after 8 years.
They say good things come in small packages. This might be the smallest nation in the Caribbean in terms of both land area and population but it certainly leaves a big impression. There’s 3 things I want to share with you about my recent trip. Welcome to St Kitts and Nevis. So, I spent time […]
As human beings, we’re very passionate about forming opinions from the cosiness of our couches, and making big arguments about places we’ve never been, supported only by the warm light of our laptops or TVs. Yet once we leave our safe places and start travelling the world, the learning we can do is astonishing.
In my mind quitting was always a bad thing. It was a lazy approach. It was the easy thing to do when things were difficult. But the more I travelled the more I realised how wrong I was. I want to tell you why.
The connection between language and how we understand the world is something that has always excited me. Language is not just the way we communicate but also how we think and what our culture, history and values are. Learning languages improved my life.
I spend 3-4 months/year abroad and I’ve been asked many times what sort of gear I take with me to capture moments. This is the travel bag I use with my essential gear.